

博天堂入口企业 is offering expert support to Scottish companies that want to create new products or services, or otherwise diversify into the clean heat market.

Their industry specialists can help companies of all sizes and types, from a variety of sectors. Apply today if you’re interested in expanding into the clean heat field.


Clean heat refers to building energy efficiency and low and zero emissions heating systems. This includes systems that have no direct greenhouse gas emissions, such as individual electric heat pumps and connection to heat networks, and electric systems such as storage heaters.

Other products include direct electric heat, 地热, 生物质和生物燃料, 太阳能热, energy from waste and waste heat recovery.

The clean heat field also includes energy efficiency measures for buildings, 以及存储, 控制, and smart technology to support clean heat. Hydrogen and industrial process heat are excluded.

About clean heat expert support

This service allows industry experts to provide one-to-one support to help companies of different sizes and types, 来自各行各业, that are looking to grow and/or diversify into the clean heat market.

The support will help Scottish companies to:

  • Understand whether their 功能 are or could be made transferrable to the clean heat sector, or another part of the clean heat market
  • Understand the scale and nature of the opportunity created by the growth in the clean heat market and its relevance for their business
  • Gain a realistic overview of the potential benefits of diversifying into clean heat or expanding into another part of the sector, in terms of maintaining or increasing their turnover, 劳动力, exposure and/or facilities

What kind of support is available?

The clean heat expert support comprises up to three days of consultancy with an industry expert. The service is 100% funded – t在这里’s no cost to your business.

The industry expert will develop a high-level understanding of your current areas of operation, 功能, and ambitions through a series of discussions. They will then create a short, tailored report specific to the needs of your company.

The report will describe the general clean heat opportunity for your business, identify projects that may be relevant, and provide industry contacts and initial thoughts on specific areas that you could focus on and action.


You can apply for this support if you already work in the clean heat market, or have an interest in creating new products or services or adapting existing products and services for the clean heat market.

This support is open to all companies with a base in Scotland.

You should have a demonstrable ambition to increase your employee numbers in Scotland.  

We’ll look at how you plan to generate economic benefits in terms of job creation and safeguarding jobs. We’ll also consider your turnover, national or global competitiveness, and impact on the local supply chain.  

You must also show willingness to support Scotland’s Fair Work First principles and its transition to a net zero economy.

You can find out more and download the application form 在这里.
